I LOVE herbs, they can just lift a recipe from average to brilliant in a matter of seconds. But, it so annoying when you buy a bunch of herbs (which aren’t cheap by the way) and find that a few day later, they are bruising, wilting and looking like they have seen better days.

Here are my tips to keep herbs fresh for longer.

There are two types of herbs. Soft herbs and woody herbs.

Soft herbs are exactly that, herbs that go limp, bruise easily and are very delicate. Coriander, parsley, basil, oregano and chives are examples of soft herbs. These are the harder herbs to keep fresh. These herbs can usually be eaten raw so serve them with fresh fruit, in salads, stirred through pasta or scattered over cooked meats.

Woody herbs are those herbs that have thicker, woody stems and will generally last a whole lot longer in the fridge than softer herbs. Examples include rosemary and thyme. They usually require being cooked before eating.


So below are my tips for getting the most longevity out of your herb bunches.

Wash and dry them when you buy them. I know this can seem like a nightmare, but it’s the best way to enable them to last longer. If you get them out on day 2 or 3 and attempt to wash them, it can actually just destroy them more. 

Paper towel. Wrap each of your herb bunches individually in paper towel and store in your fridge. The paper towel absorbs some of the moisture that causes them to go mushy and can give you a few more days of freshness.

Another option is storing them like you would a bunch of flowers. After washing and pat drying them, store them in a jar or small yoghurt bucket like you would a bunch of flowers and put them in the fridge.

Basil is the only exception to this rule. Basil doesn’t like the cold and shouldn’t be washed when you buy it, it will only start the break down process sooner. Store basil in water on a window sill.  

If you’re herbs have got to the point of wilting, don’t throw them away, there are still options to use them.

  1. Herb oil: Blanch the bunch of herbs in a pot of boiling water for 10 seconds, this will give them a beautiful, vibrant colour. Run under very cold water for 30 seconds. Then throw them in a blender or food processor with some olive oil. You can then choose to keep as is or strain the mix through a strainer.

  2. Pesto: Pesto doesn’t have to be made with only basil! There are so many awesome pesto recipes made with mint, parsley, coriander, chives. Add some garlic, parmesan, any nut you like, olive oil and away you go.

  3. Chimichurri: I LOVE chimichurri. It’s so great for marinating meats or serving with cooked meats. You can find my chimichurri recipe here.

  4. Herb butters: Melt some butter slightly in the microwave or in a saucepan. Finely chop your herb and mix it through and add a pinch of salt. Store it in the fridge. Serve with toasted baguette or on top of your cooked steak – YUM!!!!


